Sunrise Haiku
A one-of-a-kind NFT project using machine learning and blockchain technology.
Well what is an NFT anyways. An NFT stands for non-fungible token. A unique or one-of-a-kind token produced on a blockchain. Most NFT’s are created on the Ethereum blockchain. Other blockchain ecosystems have their own NFT platforms. Solana, Avalanche, Cardan, Tezos and Stacks are a few of the other blockchain ecosystems that have their own NFT creating ability.
There are a number of great use cases for NFT’s. There is the possibility of using NFT’s in the real estate areana. Your house or property would be listed as an NFT in a marketplace and could be sold on the blockchain as a verified purchase. No need for other intermediaries such as real estate agents.
Another great use for NFT’’s is in gaming. Or art is another great use for NFT blockchain technology. One such project that is using NFT blockchain technology to create something unique and special is Sunrise Haiku. It is a unique Ethereum based NFT project.
There are three tiers to this project. The haiku comes first. It is derived from a database of 28,000 lines of poetry. Then the background for the NFT is created. The background is processed based upon what is in the poem. For instance if it mentions an owl then the background is processed several times until it comes to somewhat represent an owl. Maybe. The more the background is processed the more it would look like an owl. The more processed backgrounds are considered ‘masterpiece’ level. A less processed background is considered ‘’advanced’ or ‘basic’ depending on often the background was processed and the quality of the haiku. A longer poem would more likely be a masterpiece as it is harder for the program to create that poem and harder to process the background thus making it rarer/
For more information about the project check out their website.
And their Discord
Thank you